Pierre Fourny, Guillaume Jacquemin, Serge Bouchardon, Luc Dall’Armellina and Hélène Caubel: Typomatic. 2015.
Step into a photobooth for poetry. Adjust the stool, create a typopoem and wait as it is printed for you. This is the Typomatic, a literary installation created in collaboration between members of the French performance art group ALIS, scholars and students from the University of Technology of Compiègne, and the interactive design studio Buzzing Light. The poetry is based on the Poésie à 2 mi-mots, a technique invented by Pierre Fourny in 2000 that could be translated into English as two half-words poetry or between the lines poetry or cutting edge poetry. This technique plays with the shapes of letters: words are cut in two horizontally and positioned so that a new word emerges from the originals. Fourny developed software for this but most presentations have used paper, objects and videos, allowing readers to forget the digital processing involved. With the Typomatic, the Poésie à 2 mi-mots combines the digital with the pleasure of paper, offering visitors a printed typoticket. The work plays with the relationship between art and machine, reminding us of the playfulness that the original photo booths engendered. Read more at www.typomatic.org
Gå inn i en fotoautomat. Justér krakken, lag et dikt og vent mens det skrives ut til deg. Denne poesiautomaten er en litterær installasjon som spiller på Pierre Fournys teknikk poésie à 2 mi-mots, som vi på norsk kanskje kan kalle halvordspoesi, eller poesi mellom linjene. Teknikken går ut på å skjære ord i to horisontalt og sette dem sammen for å skape nye ord. Etter femten års varisjoner på konseptet i digitale og papirbaserte formater forener poesiautomaten det digitale med papiret, og spiller på forholdet mellom kunst og maskin.