Pernilla Stalfelt: Alla barns rätt (Spinfy/Rabén & Sjögren 2012)
Children’s literature can include non-fiction texts, and this app, developed by Spinfy, is an example. It is a creatively retold version of the The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Rights in a way that is aimed at young children.Each spread is read aloud, and when the reader touches one of the illustrations, a sound is heard, or the speech bubbles that many illustrations have are read out. For instance, the page explaining that all children have the right to privacy shows a girl with a diary, and when you touch the diary, a voice whispers: “Ssh, don’t tell”. The app is an adaptation of a picture book Pernilla Stalfelt’s wrote and illustrated in 2010.
Denne digitale adapsjonen av Pernilla Stalfelts billedbok ved samme navn forteller om FNs barnekonvensjon på en måte som barn kan forstå. Enkle, generelle beskrivelser illustreres med tegninger av barn i konkrete situasjoner, gjerne med snakkebobler, og når leseren tar på en av tegningene høres en lydeffekt eller snakkeboblene leses opp.
iPad / Android