
Kid-E-Lit is a network of librarians, writers, artists, and researchers based in the Nordic countries focused on emerging forms of digital literature made specifically for youth and children. The network will mount a touring exhibition of innovative forms of literature made for the young and to develop a Nordic network focused on these new reading experiences.

The network
Serena Borsello, Aarhus Public Libraries
Martin Campostrini, Roskilde Librararies
Maria Engberg, Malmö University
Mari Jore, Bergen Public Library
Nina Goga, Bergen University College
Paula Halkola, The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature
Ayoe Quist Henkel, Centre for Children’s Literature, Aarhus University
Lissa Holloway-Attaway, University of Skövde
Raine Koskimaa, University of Jyväskylä
Herdis Moldøen, Bergen Public Library
Katri Nikanen, Jyväskylä City Library
Lucas Ramada, Prieto Autonomous University of Barcelona
Margrete Rasmussen, Bergen Public Library
Jill Walker Rettberg, University of Bergen
Scott Rettberg, University of Bergen
Karen Areklett Vikingstad, Bergen Public Library

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